
Two Buttes / Doctor Verity Museum

Two Buttes Library and MuseumIn early 2010 a group of teenagers stumbled across some documents in the local trash dump. The documents contained a complete history of the town including all written correspondence, town laws and other acts. According to the curator, Two Buttes has one of the largest archival collections in the nation. The museum is open on Fridays.

county activity museum building
county old plainsman herald photo

Springfield Museum

Baca County History, heritage and many Cowboy & Indian relics. One of the largest collections of newspapers dating back to the 1800’s for the area. The Springfield Museum also offers assistance with genealogy. The Museum Curator is Val.

1260 Main St Springfield, CO
Phone: 806-626-6285
Open: Monday – Thursday

Wheeler Museum in Vilas

This is a unique small museum that is housed in the historic Wheeler Building on Main St. Call the number on the door for admission.

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